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Ascension explained in Gamer terms!

I welcome you!

This topic has been on my mind lately. I've been urged by Spirit to prepare and to be able to explain Ascension in a way that most can understand. It is easy for me to speak in terms of vibration, frequency, light and coding, but what about someone who is just discovering or "awakening"? What about some of the (I dislike labels for their limitations, but for the explanation of this blog I will use them) Rainbows, Golden, or Crystal children?

I pondered this for a little while, then my "guides" showed me an "image" of which I was to explain. I had to laugh, for Spirit has a wonderful sense of humor. So here is what they showed me, and here is a short explanation of Ascension.. in gamer terms. For we all have at some point in our lives played video games. Even if you don't consider yourself a Gamer.

I will start off with saying now is an awesome time to wake up and realize that your world is not what it seems! We are in a period of time where everything is accelerating. The way has been cleared for many and this is a wonderful opportunity for growth. Contrary to what your human mind may think about this planet, your higherself/soul is ecstatic that you're here. The Golden age, the potential for expansion, is at an all time high and will just keep getting higher. So buckle up buttercup! You can come along willingly or you will be dragged. The more resistance you create the more suffering you will create.

So what is Ascension?

If you google the term you will receive the definition of this: "the act of rising to an important position or a higher level." What I wish to convey to you is that although it appears to be a rising of levels, what is happening is a remembering. A bringing forth of information that has been "lost" to you. A lifting of veils that has been very "thick" until just recently, creating an amnesia of sorts to who you truly are. You are a magnificent GOD/GODDESS of the divine. You carry inside of you a spark of the divine that cannot be earned, cannot be taken away and that spark recognizes other sparks for we are all ONE in the grand scheme of things.

When we come into this world we hold remembrance of who we are and what we are here to do. Can we communicate this? No, and when we are old enough to communicate we are told that we are crazy, or that we must not speak to those that which we see! They are evil and are here to led you astray! We are put in front of psychologists who tell us not to let our imaginations run wild. Sat down with psychiatrists who label us "sick" , "delusional", and medicate us back to "normalcy".

This treatment, even if not from professionals, creates blocks. Unnecessary fears that it isn't safe to express who we are or how we feel. These blocks keep us from reaching our potential and create disharmony in our bodies. (Mental and physical illness) I'm not even going to get into religious programming because that will need a blog of its own. Haha!

The majority of us as we grow up, attempt to fit in and gain approval from our parents and friends. Before we know it we completely forget about the world we once knew and could see. We go through life attempting to be happy but always feeling like something is missing. Maybe sometimes even forgetting to remember that something is amiss. Eventually we get to a point in our lives where we have an experience that shakes us up and we start to question what we have been taught. Sometimes it can be traumatic, a death or loss of a loved one, a complete and utter devastation of our lives,(Job loss, illness) a physical accident or trauma, or maybe it is a person that shakes us up and makes us question our beliefs. Either way we all will, if agreed upon before coming here, start to question what appears to be our reality.

Let us look at it like this:

When starting a video game the first thing we do is choose a character. We have the ability to choose from the presets if we are in a hurry. Basic stats and armor. Some games even allow you to choose which story-line you wish to experience. We choose the difficulty of the game based on the experience we wish to have. We also have the ability to customize our characters down to the hair color, eye color, body shape. Etc etc

Before we choose to come down into this dimension we do the same thing. We choose our parents, (Yes, that abusive, narcissistic mother or father you chose them) we choose our vessels(bodies), how we want them to look, act. We also have the ability to choose from "presets". These presets can be looked at as "programs" that are instilled in us that we have agreed to take on to heal. We also can choose other souls that we wish to experience life with. Lessons we wish to learn, or unfinished business that needs to be addressed. So this would be similar to choosing a party in a game. Grouping up with others for small tasks or large ones (Take down the boss in that dungeon!)

When we start out in the game it is easy to level. The "mobs" are not difficult to kill, we gain levels quicker, there is a plethora of drops that is just handed to us. We also do not have many abilities. We might have one or two spells or actions that we can sling at enemies but they aren't very effective.

This too is similar to when we are children, our parents take care of us, we do not experience any hardships (unless this too was chosen before coming here). We are fed, clothed, cared for. Generally we just get to enjoy being a child. BUT we are not able to defend ourselves. We rely on our parents to do that for us. If we have chosen to incarnate into a family of abuse, any kind of abuse (physical, verbal, emotional) that will create trauma that does effect us as we get older if that is not addressed and healed.

In the game as we level up it becomes more difficult. We have to make sure we have the right armor and stats to be able to survive. It takes longer to reach the next level. We have to be more strategic in our battles. But we also gain new skills and abilities that allow us to do this more efficiently.

In life as we grow older our responsibilities increase. We don't rely on our parents as much. Once we awaken to our true selves, our true abilities, our purpose... Once we realize that this reality is similar to a video game.. you realize that you are not your vessel, similar to you are not the character in the game you're playing on whatever computer or console. You understand are the controller and you unlock and expand in a way. Transcend the system to where we are not constricted.

Each level that we unlock, each aspect we integrate, each life we heal unlocks new and stronger abilities. Each "level" that we hit makes us stronger. Each gateway we step through..we look around us and we start realizing that the freedom that we think we have, is only an illusion. We realize what we must do to become truly free. We start looking around us and realizing the truth we have been fed are lies. All a part of the game to keep us keep us small. To keep us from standing in our power, unlocking those levels, learning about those abilities. We come to the realization that we are Sovereign beings! We stand in our power and speak our truth. In doing so we help others realize and break free from the "game".

I remember many times once I had a high enough character I would go around just helping others (Noobs lol) because I had followed and beaten the questline. I had finished the dungeons and slayed the monsters. I had gained my abilities and it was easy for me to go back into the starting area and assist others do the same.

This is what we must do, once we have learned to take back control of our personal matrices.

What is this past life stuff? And you're saying there are other versions of me out there?

In games we often times have more than one character. Take World of Warcraft or Diablo for instance. What happens when you max out your character (Which in the universe there is no max, there is no limit, but for the sake of this explanation I will use this) In World of Warcraft when I would max out a character I would also max out the armor and skill points. I would then run around and maybe do a few dungeons or farm for materials but I would get bored. There is only so much you can do with one specialization (Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Healer) before you feel the need for something different and you end up starting a new character. So you're still the same person controlling and playing this new character but it has a completely different build. It has a different skill set, and you have to play the game differently than your previous character. You name your character differently, you might even choose to start the game on a greater difficulty, since you know a bit more about how the game is going to play out. Different characters, same "Player".

The incarnation process works similar. You have many aspects, across all time and space. They have different names and personalities. But you have one higherself. (One "Player") Your higherself is with you through out each incarnation. Always guiding you, helping you. Similar to the help section in the game. If you get lost, or you get stuck on a quest. There is an option to receive assistance. You might get a little line leading you, or a highlighted area where you know you need to go to complete the task. You have a guidance team in life just like this. They're there waiting for you to ask for help. Because of free will they cannot intervene. You have to ask them, through meditation, or prayer. Just like the video/computer game isn't going to automatically give you the answers or areas that you need to go to, your angels and guides cannot help unless called upon.

There is much more I wish to share but I think I will stop here. This is the short version of "Acension" and the reality that we are experiencing here. Once we awaken to this truth we are uncontrollable. We no longer can play the victim, where life just "happens" to us. We realize that we are the masters and creators of our realities and we are forced to accept responsibility for our actions. Once we understand this, we also understand that the thoughts, and actions that we put out into the universe shapes our realities. We start making an effort to keep those thoughts and actions positive. We start understanding that we are all in this together.

There is much chaos and pain in the world right now. Old ways that aren't working anymore are being broken down. It's easy to look out and get discouraged. Understand that New and Better ways are coming to replace these old worn out belief systems. There are many that are awakening, becoming activated. Years and years (and lives) of suppressed emotions and trauma is coming to the surface to be healed. Some of them are aware of this, some just feel they are losing their minds. Some act out in anger, rage, so much hatred! If they only understood that these are pieces and parts of themselves they would not be so quick to project their negativity. There are those of us that are here, carving the way, holding love, and space for those that are suffering. Those of us that see this reality for what it is and wish for others to realize it as well. Those of us that have awakened to the knowing that we are masters, and we will not be caged.

We have gone through the pain, gone through the lessons, we are healing our trauma, transcending the duality. We have endured the suffering and come out the other side fires blazing. We have removed our blocks, subconscious and social conditioning and we wish to help others do the same. Reach out, join some groups, speak up, ask questions. The time is NOW, there's no reason to fear. You are safe. You are loved. You are supported! And you are so needed.

With much love, many blessings, and until next time,

Tiffany J. Smith

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