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So this blog, will be comprised of my personal thoughts, experiences, knowledge that I have gained through out my journey. Indeed a long journey it has been.

Some of the articles I will post you will resonate with. Some of the articles might leave you scratching your head wondering about my sanity. I will tell you though, everything I share will be of assistance to someone, somewhere. So I advise you to take what you feel is beneficial to you and leave the rest.

I have learned, that we have everything we need, within us all. The people that we meet through out our journey are just triggers, teachers, and sometimes guides. The knowledge they offer us, should be taken with a grain of salt. For only YOU, are the master and creator of your reality. Only you, know your truth. So I lovingly share my truth, which may differ from yours.. but that's okay. As we are all on different parts of our individualized journeys..interconnected in ways that most do not yet understand. Separate in ways that each experience is different for everyone. The end goal, while it may differ slightly for each soul, is again, one in the same.

So this is just a welcome post, I welcome you all. I send you all much love. I look forward to sharing my journey with you each.

Much love, many blessings, and until next time,

Tiffany J. Smith

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