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A message for my female warrior archetypes.

Greetings my sisters, and to the men who love and care for them.

I will start off by saying that I am so grateful! For even though there are some things that are wearing me down in my current life situation I have the ability to change them. For I am a Master Creatrix and only I have the power to do so.

Lately I have been feeling worn down. I was trying to do too much. I have been working astrally doing mass clearings and also clearings of the buildings I've been staying at. These clearings usually include people who frequently visit these buildings as well. Granted the energy does not come from me but it does take a toll on the vessel, especially the high amounts that have been coming through and that are needed to clear. If you add to that my human responsibilities of a mother and full-time job then mix in some disregard for my personal health and well being.. well that is a recipe for disaster.

I don't get a lot of alone time between my work which requires me to interact with the public and my living situation so I take every chance I get to do so. Today I was sitting outside the back of my work enjoying the sun. I had my eyes closed and was expressing gratitude. I asked for strength..the strength to continue to do what it is I'm here to do. I asked for comfort, because my heart aches today and sometimes we just want to be held. I opened my eyes and looked down and there was this huge black bug with purple wings that was literally trying to crawl up my leg. Now, I know I'm a badass but a big ass bug with a stinger and me having a slight phobia of them had me shooting up from a sitting position to an upright battle stance. (Yes, I know it's just a bug and I'm bigger than it) Then I realized that it's wing was hurt and that's why he wasn't flying. Which immediately caused me to soften since I'm nursing multiple wounds of my own, I could relate to the little guy. (well he wasn't that little) So I observe the little fella who is trying his hardest to make it into the shade. His little legs were just a going. I offered words of encouragement but I wasn't touching him unless it was life or death for the wasp. Finally he reached the shade and stopped immediately.

I continue to observe and then I received the message I wish to share with you all today.

The Divine feminine is making herself known on the planet at this time. (Yes both men and women carry this energy) We've been suppressed for far too long. There are those of us that are here to do great things and in order to get to that place we must endure the trials that we put in place for ourselves. For in suffering and the darkest places we find the inner strength that we had forgotten about. We find the courage to look fear in the face and say, "You don't control me anymore." We are in the midst of this and there are those of us that are feeling worn down. We are trying to do too much. We hear the call and we have this uncontrollable urge to get into action.

Slow down dear one, this is not a race. There are those that have had mysterious injuries that have put them in bed for days at time. Those that are feeling discouraged because they feel stuck or trapped by their situations. Those that feel sorrow at all the pain and unnecessary suffering of the world. Our hearts are heavy but do not despair. We are coming out of this time, the new beginnings and wonderful blessings of abundance want to find you but you must allow it. Take time to rest. Do not be hard on yourself and certainly do not compare yourselves to others for each are on their own paths. Honor you. Part of being a warrior is knowing when to take a time out. When to find some shade and nurture your inner reserves so when the time is right you are able to take that leap of faith and keep going.

For those of you that do not know. The wasp animal totem is representative of the female warrior energy.

It also represents order, progress, team-work, involvement, development, productivity, construction, communication.

This wasp almost crawled into my lap, was injured and was needing rest. As there are a lot of us that need to do the same in order for us to move forward. I hate to even bring this up but mercury is in retrograde so take this time to go within. Make sure you're taking care of your body. Stay hydrated, eating foods that nourish. Make time to pamper yourself, have fun, do things you enjoy. Uplift your brothers sisters, work together, for we are all as one. I love you each.

Many blessings, and until next time

Tiffany J. Smith

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