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What I mean when I use the word "Collective"

What is a collective? Are there different kinds?

Let us use the analogy of computers since you are probably using one, or something similar to read this.

So, picture yourself as a computer. An individual computer walking around. You have your own devices attached to your computer. Your own hard drive. Your own firewalls to keep viruses out. Your own pre-loaded factory default settings and programs.

Now picture the person sitting next to you as the same. Their own computer, with all of the similar attachments and settings. But picture your wifi settings being able to connect with them. And if you have a strong enough modem or router, picture yourself connecting with other people/computers around the globe.

Now picture Amazon cloud, or Icloud. Or something similar, whatever floats your boat. Just picture a cloud that you're able to send information, files, music, whatever you wish into. That is the collective. It is made up of everyone's thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs. It is interconnected with all the other computers that are up and active walking around on the planet right now.

So when I use the word collective I am referring to the database that we are all connected to. The ebb and flow of the economy, disastrous weather events, the mass media's attempts to spread fear, "terrorist" attacks, these are all things that make huge impacts on the collective.

Here recently Hurricane Harvey has brought alot of fear and devastation into the collective. Especially since it's right around the time that Katrina hit several years ago. Especially since the media loves to show the devastation and flooding that it has caused. It strikes fear and grief into the hearts of people who aren't even experiencing it.

There are those that unknowingly are like sponges. They absorb and soak up this "information"/energy from the collective in the attempt to subconsciously help. What we do not realize is that if we do this and don't transmute these energies all we are doing is trying to clean the counter with a dirty sponge. Which of course is just going to spread more bacteria around.

So be aware of your thoughts and your emotions. If you've been feeling drained or depressed lately you're most likely picking up on the collective. Coupled with your own "stuff" that needs to be transmuted can be crippling.

If you are satisfied with the explanation and understanding of the collective consciousness then you can stop reading here.

I'd like to go into a little bit more detail in regards to the collective. Have you noticed that as you are telling a story of your experience to someone you're finding that they have had a similar situation? There aren't many who will have your exact experience but isn't it interesting that there are so many that are close to what you yourself have gone through?

That is because as a planetary species we all draw from the same experience "pool". Before we come here we decide which stories that we want to experience and which characters we want to experience them with. This can come back to the video game explanation but it can also be explained as this.

You can imagine your life being a stage. A huge stage where you are the main actor or actress. You've already planned out your entire play before you come out of your mother's birth canal. It is all laid out for you by YOU, not some outside source. Because we are multidimensional and the only limits we have are the ones we unknowingly place on ourselves we do have alterations of these plays. So many different outcomes but guess what? They're all already known.

Your play is only about YOU. Every single person you see walking around is experiencing a different play/reality than you. The ones that have signed up or agreed to assist you in your play are experiencing a similar reality as yours but as you progress through your play and start to understand and see the reality such as it is your play shifts. You start to see things differently. You start to understand that the people in your life are just mirrors, actors and actresses that are here to assist you in learning or experiencing whatever it is that you chose before you came here. Ask yourself what are they teaching me? What are they showing me? What are the reflecting to me that I do or do not like? Once you understand this you're able to see these people and experiences as what they are. Even if they are "negative" you're able to express gratitude and see them from a higher perspective. You start soaring through your experiences until all you create in your reality is joy, peace, happiness, abundance. Doesn't everybody want to get to a point where they can just relax and experience peace? You can, even if there are others around you that are choosing to create chaos, suffering and pain. You will also learn that it is your responsibility as a sovereign being to respect that person's choice to create their "play"/timeline/reality as such. Just as it is your choice not to engage in that anymore, without any explanation to them. Your life is YOURS, and yours alone. Release any guilt that you have for "leaving them behind in their own misery".

The collective also makes choices. The collective also has timelines and possibilities on a grander scale but each of those has already been decided. Each of those have already been mapped and planned out. When more people start understanding this on an individual level we will see more peace in the collective as well.

Until we get to that point be mindful of your thoughts that you send out into the collective. For you are not only creating your reality but you're effecting the planet as a whole. So be love, spread love, send out love. I love you each <3

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