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Transcending the system and removing "Yourself" from the game.

You guys.. it's time to cut the shit. The game is wrapping itself up are you still caught up in it? Are you still looping? Are you still choosing suffering and strife? Are you still looking outside of you and stuck in fear? Are you still unhappy with your life? Are you still blaming others for things gone "wrong"?

This reality was created as an experiment. You signed up to come here and experience this because you knew it was going to be a challenge. There were exit points where you could have chosen to tap out but if you're here reading this it's because you have a serious purpose. You are a game changer, a system's buster, a de-programer, a technician , a warrior, a healer. It is time to step into your power, to speak your truth to move forward and continue to pave the way for the others to come join you.

In order to do that you have to free yourself from this game. You can't expect to set others free when you're still caught up in it..because that is what this reality is... It's a game. Its a simulated program that has been created where we all have agreed to come in and play. I'm trying to write this with understanding and compassion for I once believed that I was stuck and only a peon in this big ass fish bowl. But I'm not a peon, and neither are you. We are big ass sharks (or whales if you want the peaceful approach lol) and we are here to shake shit up. Knock shit loose. It might piss a few people off when we speak our truth but we speak it anyway. Play time is over, and I think you can agree with me as you look out into the environment around you. I think you feel something huge is shifting. It started within each and everyone of us. That urge, that calling, and now we can look out into the collective, into the world and we can see the physical proof of what we have been feeling internally.

I've been seeing alot of people asking and wanting to know about where others originated from. We all originated from source. What is source? God, Creator, Love.

When the very first realities in this universe were created separate from source there was no veil of illusion. The beings of light frolicked and played amongst themselves. In joy and in love. There was no fear, no death, no destruction.. only love. The beings knew that the reality was just that... created yet still connected to source.

They continued to play until one of the beings of light decided they wanted to experience something else. So that reality was collapsed and another reality was created. In this reality there was still frolicking and playing but there was another aspect that was added. The "Adversary". The being of light that created this particular reality wanted to see how the other beings of light(angels) which he knew were aspects of himself, would react when "darkness" was added into the mix.

That being goes by the name of Lucifer and he created the Adversary. So I guess you can say Lucifer is Satan's higherself. The adversary was created in this reality to create a challenge. Each reality has become more and more difficult I guess you could has contained certain environments and "adversaries" so we could learn more about ourselves.

You see, you are energy, everything in this universe is made up of energy. In the very first realities we remembered this, we knew this. We also knew that in these realities all we were doing was trying to learn about ourselves. How we would react in certain situations and we would then take that information ...once the simulation played out in that reality.. back to source. Source wants to learn , and will always keep learning. Which is why the Universe is infinite, there is no beginning, and there is no end.

Even though the beings of light were in these realities they were also still a part of source. A part of their consciousness still resided in the womb of NO-thing. Yet they also existed in these realities. Once the reality played out and was collapsed they returned back to source with information to be "uploaded" and then the next simulation was created based upon the information received to make it more challenging. To make it to where more information would be relayed back to source...And so on and so on.

As we sent our consciousness to these different realities and realms some were not collapsed. They are allowed to play out as long as the information is pertinent or until it is decided that it is to be collapsed. You are a part of reside in the womb of NO-thing..The womb of also exist in many different realms in realities. At this very moment you are assisting in the good of all by just thinking. By just going through your day to day experiences and responsibilities.

You are energy. Everything around you is energy. Consciousness. It is malleable. Changeable. This is what I mean by I am a creatrix. We are creators of our reality simply because we are energy and energy reacts and creates with other energy. The reality that we exist in is made up of sacred geometry and light codes. Once we learn this we learn how to better interact with it.

Our Meta-soul as I have heard people call it...Or Over-soul is the energy or consciousness that exists closest to source. It is the overseer to all of your other consciousness that is existing simultaneously in other realities, realms, planets, dimensions, whatever you want to call it. It is constantly collecting data and information that you are sending it and then relaying that information to source. You have created yourself ..situations, and circumstances in order to learn about yourself. You are source, you are love. Everything else is just an illusion.. created to assist yourself in this learning.

So.. lets bring it back down and I will use myself as an example.

I am many things.. I exist in many places.. I constantly create and recreate myself over and over again. I am currently in the process of reintegrating all of my aspects across all times and spaces. I am done with the game. I have exited the "matrix" yet my physical vessel still exists within it. My energy or my consciousness is free. This energy consciousness I call aspects. Some people say fragments but I don't like that term. It refers to something that is lost. So aspects is the term I will use to describe this. Because we are not lost, we have intentionally sent out our consciousness always having the ability to recall that back into our consciousness at any given time or rate.

For example.. Tiffany is my human's name. Tiffany is an aspect of my "Meta-soul".. One of my lives in Ancient Egyptian times my name was Sekhmet, she is also an aspect of my meta-soul. My Arcturian aspect is named Yesu, she too is a part of my Metasoul..I am somewhat of a Galactic Traveler so I had aspects in almost every single system that exists and some that no longer exist. I've had many lives as a human, to list them all would be time consuming and not detrimental to this explanation. I've been many things, played many roles , each of those roles are "Aspects" of me.

We all have the ability to do this.. we all have the ability to recall and heal all of our aspects. Some of them have experienced massive trauma, some of them have been the ones creating the trauma.Some have played parts or roles with the "Adversary". Some of them are "trapped" or "locked" away..When we heal ourselves we then need to heal all of us..release judgement of the aspects that come to you.. see them for what they are, source ..playing the game..experiencing themselves. Do not feel guilt or shame for they are you and you are them. At our core we are SOURCE. I know I've said this enough but please do not forget this especially when you start interacting with aspects. Being angry or shameful towards yourself/aspects isn't helping anyone. We send healing to that timeline or we collapse it. We send healing down our ancestral line, our mother and father lines. When we recall these aspects we sense them..we may take on aspects of their personality. When you do this work.. when you set your intent to recall please make sure you are aware of who is in control. If you have an unruly aspect they will bleed over and affect the timeline you are in now. It is recommended to rid yourself of old programs and patterns. Rid yourself of the belief sets of your human and familial line before you start recalling these aspects. If you are not in your power you will cause more harm than good. If you are able to do this you will be able to release those beliefs and integrate aspects at the same time, creating a mass healing across all time and space.

For example.. someone that has played a very important role for me was with me laying in bed one night. I was interacting with an aspect of mine who had been murdered and was very bitter towards men. I was able to see what she saw right before she died. She was VERY upset. I was able to calm her down, send healing to that timeline, and offer compassion and healing to her.. her name was Mary. While I'm interacting and working with this timeline my partner, who had fallen asleep...had rolled over and put his arm around my chest..he breathed in .. and then immediately his eyes shot wide open and he literally JUMPED off the bed.. it was the first time he had experienced me integrating an aspect. I had talked about it enough but it was one thing to hear about it and another to actually sense the shift in energy and it freaked him out. He actually asked me who I was in his groggy sleep state. He stayed freaked out for a good 15 minutes even after me trying to explain to him what I was doing. If I wasn't able to interact with her.. if I didn't understand.. I would have lashed out at my partner in bitterness and rage.. because the emotions that I were feeling it was like I was actually experiencing this..

I guess this is a disclaimer..

So you see.. please don't start calling these aspects to you all at once. They will enter your field and linger there. You will feel their emotions, you will take on their traits if you are not aware of this you might get overwhelmed. You do have the ability to heal yourself ...all of your selves. (Don't forget this) Call on your guides to work with you in doing this they will assist the integration process with grace and ease.

When I decided I wished to transcend the system, when I was done playing the game. The time had come to recall and reintegrate those aspects back into my consciousness. Your physical vessel has undergone many transitions to be able to hold this consciousness. It is why you hear of these Solar Flares, these energy waves, etc etc. It is all so we may have that push to release what no longer serves us and as our bodies empty out we are able to become more crystalline, allowing our fields to encompass and integrate ALL of our aspects, pull them out of EVERY "game" and reality and integrate them BACK into the whole. THAT is why your soul is happy you're here. That is why this is the perfect time and is called the golden age.. you all have the ability to do this. Upon integrating each aspect you are able to activate and bring forth the abilities that you used in that particular timeline. You expand and bring forth the knowledge and are able to use this knowledge to spread awareness, to activate others. To break others free from the game. Bringing this back to your NOW timeline assists with standing in your power, claiming your sovereignty.

I have gotten to the point of my journey that I was able to yank groups of my aspects to me.. I pulled forth the ones that were causing "trouble" initially, then integrated the ones that were just lost or confused. I collapsed those timelines because they no longer serve me. You too have the ability to do this.. if you so feel led.

Just because I have chosen to exit the game that doesn't mean that I don't still choose to experience situations or circumstances still that will bring me back down from that expanded view point. The difference is now I can see it for what it is. Even when I was recently sitting in a puddle of my own self-pity, allowing my human to grieve for what it had "lost" I was still aware of what was happening and even though I did get sucked into that energy, with the help of a friend I was able to pull myself back out of it. There were lessons I had chosen to learn.. things I needed to experience, insight to gain, so I could share that with others. Give them the ability to break free.

We are all meant to be free. We are all meant to transcend the bullshit and get back into the truth of who we really are. Because you see, you aren't just a aren't just a Lyran, or Arcturian, or Andromedan..You aren't just Sirian,.. You aren't just a shaman, a healer, a warrior, a builder, a magician, a shapeshifter, a witch..or a poor house wife that was murdered.. you are infinite, you are source, you are the universe, you are EVERYTHING, yet you are NOTHING.. once you are able to understand this a new awareness will be downloaded and activated within you. You will be able to see the difference between what is true and what is false. This new awareness will help you navigate the "game" and eventually you will release yourself from it. Then you will assist others do the same.

The choice is always yours. I choose to be happy. I choose to be free. I choose to operate from love and joy. I choose to transcend the bullshit and help create a new earth, a new community, a new way. I use the word new lightly because this isn't the first planet to have to create this..this one is a bit different than others but I believe that will be a seperate blog, this one is long enough. We have already experienced the hardships and the suffering. We have done this all before. It is time to REMEMBER.. its time to choose love and peace. What do you choose? I hope you choose to Be free.

Until next time, with love always,

Tiffany J. Smith

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