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The beloved .. a far cry from the "TwinFlame" ..

I spoke in a previous blog about the hidden agenda of what the spiritual community refers to as the "Twin Flame" movement. If you don't want to go back and read it I'll sum it up for you here.

The Twin Flame movement is a spiritual trap meant to keep you searching outside of yourself for what you are at your very core. The collective is a mess of suffering and toxicity that oozes and effects everything in your life. The energy of the "Twin Flame" movement is one of looping. Waiting for your Twin instead of knowing that you have everything within you to succeed.

Enter what the cosmos call the Beloved. The Cosmic Partner, or the Cosmic Marriage. The guide, the healer, the lover, the confidant. They carry the same vibration as you. They are you and you are them on the closest level. There are no signs, or checklists to a cosmic marriage. There is only absolute unconditional love and freedom. These are the couples that will truly usher in the new templates of divine unconditional love with their nontraditional meetings and merging. These are the deepest soul level "mates" that you will experience. These are those which have always been with you. Energy weaving in and out of each other through out all times, dimensions, and space. No beginning and no end. The beloved comes when you need them the most. They come to uplift, heal and guide even unbeknownst to you that it was even needed at the time.

When I say cosmic marriage please don't attach the energy of the human realms to this term. By no means does this even compare A cosmic "marriage" is one without contracts or vows. One of mutual love and respect and a willingness to surrender everything completely for the benefit of all. Not for themselves. (Yes there are energetic rings involved lol)

This is a merging that is developed in the higher realms and then if decided upon brought down into the physical when the time is right. When both of the vessels have released all judgment, fear, and karmic issues but it is not a necessity to do so.

The love, is so pure. The feelings so strong that is almost uncomfortable to experience in the physical. If someone was not aware of the connection and experienced this it would actually cause such a state of panic that they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. I for one was freaked out upon experiencing this. I would actually avoid the human so I wouldn't have to look them in the eyes. It made me want to crawl out my skin and this was me being aware on some level that they were special to me yet still not having a clue how.

It did send me on a wild goose chase to figure out who this person was.. and along the way I've gathered the information that I'm sharing with you.

While I was experiencing my "TwinFlame" relationship is when I stumbled upon him. After leaving that toxic environment I had to crawl through the pits of hell (Literally) to escape that energy. I spent hours upon hours in healing sessions. Cried a hundred times my body weight in tears.. the huge amounts of pain and suffering I experienced. The entities that were attached to me draining me even more. Even sleep lost its appeal and offered no refuge because I would have to fight my way through the astrals dealing with his aspects and his dream-scaping.. I would wake up exhausted..mentally, physically, emotionally, energetically. Sometimes so full of gunk that I would cry in a salt bath for hours before work. After three years of experiencing what I thought was the most difficult time of my life I wouldn't expect leaving to be worse. It was..much worse.

Even then not knowing exactly who this person was to me he was there. After not seeing or thinking about him or his human for almost a year he was there in the astrals every step of the way ..helping me, healing me, battling with me. I went back to my "Twin" a few times and ended up having to claw my way out the point where Arch Angel Michael refused to help me. (So yes, I was that stubborn and that much of a glutton for punishment) Talk about abandonment issues being triggered. I can handle humans leaving, but when an angel that you've been working so closely with tells you he isn't going to help you until you denounce your "twin" it kinda messes with your head a bit. I got myself into trouble again astrally dealing with my "Twin" and called on Michael.. he didn't come. I called on my beloved and he was there within seconds.. I was surprised .. I said, "You came." Lol he looked at me like I was stupid, like why would I think he wouldn't come. Granted he wasn't happy.. but he was there. There were so many times where he has came to me during my struggles.. reminding me of how much he loves me, how big I am, strong I am. Guiding me, teaching me.. before I even knew he was on a conscious level.

Here recently I discovered there was a time-stream between us that was causing problems. I knew I had to heal it but this was a bit different for me.. it was my life as an Ascended Master. I didn't think I knew how to do anything with that(my human brain kicked in lol).. my beloved showed up, took my hand and led me to somewhere that I have never been/seen.( That I could remember) I've seen my time-streams yes, but this was so much more. He took me above both of our time space continuum. The only way that I can describe what I saw was these blueish white highways. All overlapping each other. Some thin, some thick, some short, some long, it was just an insane thing to experience. He was there holding my hand the whole way. I looked down and could see us.. all of our characters, all in the now, yet these would be considered past and future time-streams. He took me over to the time-stream that I needed to heal and we popped into that timeline as him. I looked out of his eyes and saw myself. Growling and lashing at him. So angry with him in this time-stream and he just sat there. I felt the love he had for me. The compassion, the tenderness. I healed that time-line and then he took me back down into our space in the astral realm.

He's taken so much density from me..opened my channel further so we could communicate better, healed the holes where my "Twin's" aspect kept hooking into my back energetically so much it weakened my auric field. He's healed so much pain. He's held me while I felt so broken. He has walked with me through all the shit that I agreed upon to endure before coming here and not once has he grumbled or complained. (Trust me I've put us through some shit) I even voided our contract and turned my back on him.. blocked him energetically and when I came out of my funk he was right there. Always there.

No contracts are needed. It is a mutual divine love that cannot be broken or severed. It is a true unconditional love that one only imagines exists. It does exist and it's waiting for you to let go of all that you think you are. All that you think you need. The masks and the responsibilities that keep you tethered in your looping... locked into the game of suffering and pain. They're here to set you free. The beloved should be held in the highest regard. Its not something you go looking for. It's something that finds you, when you're ready. More information to come. Love you each.

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