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Proper grounding techniques

Anchoring yourself into the new grid and removing yourself from the “3D” paradigm

Gaia is ascending right along side of us and there's no stopping her now. You can see and feel her purging in all of the earth quakes, hurricanes, fires. As she is releasing years of oppression and trauma and we are doing the same thing. It's why the collectives have been a mess lately. It's why you can look out and see so much chaos and hate being projected out and onto other people. As we are releasing through, no matter how unhealthy it may appear to be, it's allowing these lower timelines to collapse. The same thing is happening, and has been happening for awhile with Gaia and her grids. As grid-workers, gatekeepers, and way-showers have been working towards this for years. The old grids are collapsing and falling away. (yay!) What does this mean for you? It means there are better and more effective ways for grounding yourself and anchoring yourself into these higher timelines and grids.

I'm sure you've heard you have 7 chakras, and now 12 are coming online.. have been coming online. What you might not know is you have way more chakras than that. You have portals and meridians in your energetic field that are constantly moving and shifting but the meridians I wish to talk about today are the ones in each of your hips. The left represents the feminine energies, the right your masculine energies. Its important that we keep these energies balanced and maintain a sense of adjustment as needed.

An easy and proficient way to ground yourself into the new earth grid is to sit or stand in a meditative state. Deep breathing in through your nose and releasing any energies that no longer serve you out through your mouth. Imagine two balls of light in each of your hip joints then imagine sending those energies in the shape of whatever you wish down into Gaia. Keep deep breathing and each time you release push those cords deeper into the earth. You'll follow those cords down through the dirt, down through the crystal caverns, down through the lava, and straight into the crystal core of all that is. Once you enter into her core, call forth your highest most best loving guides. Ask them to assist you in cutting and removing any cords to the 3D grids and timelines. Ask them to assist you in anchoring into the “new” 5D grids and lines. Continue to sit quietly while they do this for you. Remember to thank them and show gratitude. Once finished bring forth up through your energetic cords Gaia's energies and allow her to soothe and calm your field. You can bring her energies straight up through your lower chakras and into your heart space. Send that energy out into your field. Thank Gaia and send her love.

Many blessings to you each. I love you <3

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